At the point of program completion, initial and advanced licensure candidates demonstrate competency by passing a proprietary assessment administered by Educational Testing Services, including the Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators (GACE) or the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) and possessing a 3.0 grade-point average (GPA). Candidates in all initial teaching licensure programs and two advanced licensure programs complete GACE assessments, whereas Tier II Educational Leadership Program candidates must pass the PASL.
Proprietary Assessments – Initial and Advanced
The GACE assessments are specific to each content area and contain questions pertaining to the content and pedagogy of the discipline. Each GACE assessment for initial teaching licensure is comprised of two tests – Test I and Test II. Each test is scored on a scale of 100 to 300, with a score of 220 to 249 passing at the induction level and 250 to 300 passing at the professional level. Candidates are required to pass the assessment at a score of 220 or higher for initial teaching licensure in Georgia. As demonstrated in the GACE Summary Report attached at the end of this section, most of the EPP’s candidates passed the GACE at the professional level. The overall passing percentage by the test was high, ranging from 90 to 100%. Moreover, the average scaled score for EPP test-takers was higher than that for all test-takers in the state, except for marketing, and economics. Moreover, the average scaled score for EPP test-takers was higher than that for all test-takers in the state, except for physics, business, marketing, and music test II.
For the EPP’s advanced licensure programs, the Curriculum and Instruction and Tier I Educational Leadership programs require GACE assessments. These GACE Assessments contain only one test scored on a scale of 100 to 300. The passing score for these assessments is set at 250. As seen in the GACE Summary Report at the end of this section, 100% of the EPP’s advanced candidates passed their GACE Assessment.
Candidates in the Tier II Educational Leadership Program are required to take the Performance Assessment for School Leaders. The PASL is a performance assessment composed of three tasks: 1) Problem Solving in the Field, 2) Supporting Continuous Professional Development, and 3) Creating a Collaborative Culture. Candidates complete written commentary and submit evidence for each task. There are 64 possible points, and to pass the assessment, candidates must score 42. In 2022-2023, the EPP had six candidates complete the PASL. As seen in the PASL Summary Report at the end of this section, 100% of the EPP’s Tier II Educational Leadership candidates passed the PASL.
Grade-Point Averages
At the point of program completion, initial and advanced licensure candidates also demonstrate competency by earning an overall GPA of at least 3.0. For our initial licensure programs, the overall average GPA at program completion during 2022-2023 was 3.64. The overall average GPA for advanced program completers was 3.92. The EPP’s GPA disaggregated data is included in the GPA Summary Chart attached at the end of this section.
Title II Reporting
In addition to the proprietary assessments and grade-point averages, the EPP also reports completion data to the federal government under the Higher Education Act. The information contained in the Title II Reports at the end of this section includes assessment pass rates from recent years and explanations of internship hours required for program completion.
Supporting Evidence: