
Painting & Drawing Area

The Painting & Drawing area offers advanced classes in a variety of drawing and painting media that may include acrylic, oil, watercolor, encaustic, egg tempera, mural painting, and mixed media. You will use these materials to create formal compositions and/or conceptual works in a variety of genres (including but not limited to portraiture, landscape, still life, and abstraction) that express individuality within the larger frameworks of the contemporary, regional, national, and international art communities.

In addition to preparing you for a professional studio practice, focused training in drawing and painting fosters creative critical thinking and entrepreneurial skills that enable students to succeed in a wide range of arts-related and/or creative professions.


Spring Field Trip to Atlanta

Every spring semester, the Art Club organizes a Spring Field Trip to Atlanta to see art studios, galleries, and museums. Contact Erin McIntosh, erin.mcintosh@ung.edu for more information.

Establishing Connection...