
2016 Fall Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Opening Remarks and Agenda Overview, Dr. Park

  • Quorum agreed upon as six members. Proxy votes accepted, upon reviewing action items prior to meeting.
  • Matters must be agreed upon with a unanimous vote; abstentions allowed.
  • Reminder, sole purpose to advise and suggest or facilitate ideas and partnerships; not make decisions regarding curriculum or administrative policies.

Dean’s Report on the “State of the College”

  • Dr. and Mrs. Jim Morrow no longer with the Council.
  • Three memberships now open; looking for Council to propose and elect new members.
  • New appointments in CHSP include: Dr. Carolynn DeSandre, Assistant Dean and Dr. Robert Powers, Director of Research.
  • Efforts in 2016 have been to focus on interprofessional education and facilitating increased research capacity for the College.
  • 2015-2016 report summary: new positions and faculty equity adjustments awarded; success in meeting strategic planning goals; program development – DNP and EdD; increase in international service learning opportunities; successful annual cREATe and Mock Disaster events; aiming to increase diversity and diversity awareness; new simulation center, virtual reality movement lab, and student-run pro bono clinic off to a great success.
  • Guest Holly Carpenter, Aeon Global Health

Committee Reports and Action Items

  • Governance: Farrow and Park Report overview and recommendations on items proposed – all agreed upon.
  • Curriculum: Jackson and O’Rourke HIT discussions; the need to increase internship opportunities; potential physician leadership program and revenue stream; growth of IPE and business principles in healthcare.
  • Special Projects: DeAugustinis Focusing on the new simulation lab; need for video recording system to enhance training; prelim estimate of $35K, formal estimate needed.

Review of the Mock Casualty Exercise at the Dahlonega Campus, Dr. Conner-Kerr

  • Over 250 students and employees received core disaster training. Almost 70 students participated in the mock shooter drill. Looking to package training in to business model for potential revenue stream. 2017 event planned for the Gainesville campus; natural disaster exercise.

Concept of Gratitude and Philanthropy, Dr. Park

  • Goal to cultivate a climate of gratitude by giving time and energy or financially; also incorporating in to student life.
  • Invitation to provide a gift of $100, by November 15th, to the newly established, student run pro bono clinic. (Contact Steven)
  • Potential opportunity to acquire the Brenau Lifetime Learning Institute’s Wisdom Project.

Advancement Report, Mr. Kronenberg (Full report included below)

  • Total dollars in: $116,389.03
    • The largest gift came in the form of a Nursing Facility Line from NGHS
    • The Nursing 5K is also bringing in over $10K each year now
  • Dollars in from Faculty and Staff: 12 of 47 total F/S donors for a total of $4,030
    • 12/47:~25%
  • Dentations from the Advisory Council: $3,600 in FY'16
  • Nursing Endowed Chair to kick off
    • College's first endowed chair
  • Highest need areas for giving are below and in order of greatest need:
    • Dean's Excellence Fund
    • Counseling Fund
    • Nursing Fund
    • Physical Therapy Fund
  • Preparing Fall appeal for alumni and friends
  • Preparing College Brochure
  • Events
    • Celebrate PT Event: November 2016 (Nov 9th or 16th)
      • Open House for STAR Clinic
      • MCG Students
      • Gait Lab
    • Counseling Symposium: Dec 7, 2016
      • 1st and 2nd year students present their work
    • Nursing 5K - Kathleen Smith "Sprint of Nursing Scholarship": April 8, 2017
    • CHSP/North Georgia Heart Foundation Conference: May 2017


Our next meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 20, 2017 at Grace Episcopal Church, 422 Brenau Ave. Gainesville, GA 30501, at 5:30 pm.

Establishing Connection...