The department of Political Science & International Affairs is proud to announce the continuation of a very lucrative and mutually beneficial collaboration with the University of Oradea, Romania through the Erasmus Plus program.

Erasmus Plus is a European Union initiative designed to support the development of education, training, youth and sport in Europe and it 'places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people's participa- tion in democratic life. The program offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education, vocational education and training, school education, adult education, youth, and sport.' It also partners with non-European institutions in order to enhance the outcomes of these exchanges.

Starting in 2019, the PSIA department, with the help of the Center for Global Engagement, signed an exchange agreement for AY 2019-21. Dr. Raluca Viman- Miller traveled to the University of Oradea as a visiting professor and represented our institution during the spring of 2019. In exchange, the PSIA department hosted two visiting professors from the University of Oradea, Dr. Mircea Brie and Dr. Istvan Polgar during summer of 2019. During the academic year of 2020 these exchanges unfortunately were suspended due to Covid 19 travel restrictions. As soon as travel was possible, the exchanges resumed and during spring of 2021 the PSIA department hosted another visiting professor from the University of Oradea, Dr. Cristina Matiuta.

Because of this successful cooperation the PSIA department, with the support of Center for Global Engagement, has entered into a new cycle of exchanges for the upcoming academic years of 2021-2027. This new agreement seeks to deepen the collaboration between the two universities, and will also open participation to additional faculty members, staff as well as students.