
Learning Support Requirements Video Transcript

Deinedra Mensah-Bonsu: So I’ve always had like anxiety when it came to math. I would have panic attacks before a test. It just felt like I'm not really good with the subject.

Professor Davidson-Rossier: Learning Support allows students who come in with background that is not quite ready for the college course and they can get that help so that they can actually be successful in their main class. They get this extra help in addition to their three hour course.

Deinedra Mensah-Bonsu: When everyone was in the class, we would go over our practice questions, then we would talk about the questions that we are having the most trouble with.

Professor Davidson-Rossier: In the Learning Support section we really focus on study strategies, growth mindset, having a positive attitude, because that’s so important for these students because you need to develop this belief that you can do it. And with that change in attitude many times they are very successful going forward.

Deinedra Mensah-Bonsu: Honestly it’s helped me really get over test anxiety, like made me feel more at ease.

Professor Davidson-Rossier: Everyone comes to college needing help. In Learning Support we just try to make sure these students in particular know how to get the help they need and then we give them a special class to help them get that. We're here to help students and we want students to know that we care about them.

Deinedra Mensah-Bonsu: It really impacted my grades. It impacted my mindset. It impacted the way I even see things outside of school. That one class was able to change me for the better. I just want people to know that Learning Support is there to help you.

Learn more at ung.edu/learning-support

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