
Power BI Demo 2 Video Transcript

This is part two of our series on interacting with the dashboards on the Institutional Effectiveness website, and you see here, I am taking us to the Institutional Effectiveness dashboard index page and all of our dashboards are listed here for you to see.

As a helpful note, we'll be adding to these dashboards in future semesters (Spring, Summer, Fall), and we will be adding new dashboards to this index page.

So, keep an eye out for those.

For part two of our tutorial, we're going to be dealing with the University System of Georgia dashboard, which is our dashboard that deals with retention and graduation rates for first-time, full-time baccalaureate graduation rates, first-time, full-time baccalaureate retention rates, first-time full-time associate graduation rates, and first-time, full-time associate retention rates.

Just in case you look at anything on this dashboard (and are) confused by acronyms or what might that mean, we try to provide a little bit of information here on the intro to the dashboard.

So, just as we did in part one, we're going to go full screen here on our dashboard so that we can interact fully (click that in our dashboard and our dashboard will go to full screen mode).

Now this dashboard has four pages, and for the sake of what we're doing, we're just going to go ahead and transition to page number one, which deals with our state university sector first-time, full-time freshman baccalaureate graduation rates.

Now one helpful thing about our U.S.G. dashboard that we do our best to implement in all of our dashboards, particularly in the charts, is I thing called "tool tips." So, you see here we have our fourth year graduation, fifth year, and sixth year graduation percentages by cohort year for each of the institutions within the U.S.G. state university sector.

So, if we were to click "2006" as our cohort year, you see we used the slicer and our percentages updated according to the cohort year.

You see a lot of percentages which are helpful in and of themselves, particularly you see 正澳门六合彩开奖结果 (very strong over everyone else in the state university sector right along with Georgia College and State.

And as you saw, it probably popped up when I was scrolling over it, it's helpful to know the n's associated with those percentages, so if there's any relevant information that we feel is useful in a dashboard (particularly in a chart when you're only able to give a general number or percentage), we add that in the "tool tip" feature.

So, if you scroll over this bar here (which is the six year graduation rate for the University of North Georgia), we've added in some additional data-so not only are you able to see that it's a 53.1% six year graduation rate, but you also see that we have 794 students in our cohort, and then you also see the n's associated with how many graduated in each year (so we had 220 graduate that fourth year rate, 375 students by the fifth year rate, and then 422 students by the sixth year rate.

It's for each of the institutions here so you can scroll through and see.

Someone may have a really high or really low percentage, but if the n's are not substantial, then you could really be misled by the data, and we always want everyone to interpret our data correctly because we want to present accurate reliable data and you'll see that here in most of the tool tips.

Another thing that I want to show you is that if you were to right-click on any bar that you see here in the graph, you get the option to "see data," so what happens is it opens up (almost a) dataset in a smaller secondary window below the initial chart.

So, essentially you're getting an excel file with all of the data tables for institution, grad percentage, and then the n's associated (instead of in a chart form, you are getting it in a table), so if that's how you view data and that's useful for you to copy and paste, then you feel free to do that as well.

So, in all of our charts you'll be able to click the "view data" button and also, as you just saw, if you hit the escape button out of a graph, then it will take you out of full-screen mode, which might be useful as well.

One other thing that I want to show you in this video So we're going to get down out of this full screen mode.

One of the other things that I want to show you, and we're actually going to navigate here to page two, we're going to go back to the full-screen mode, and I want to show the use of multiple selections (particularly in this bottom line chart).

So if you're interested in how Georgia College and State University in the University of North Georgia compare, or maybe how they compare to everyone else, what you want to do is you can click Georgia College and State (and so everything here on the chart is going to be Georgia College and State), and then if you want to see an average of Georgia College and State and 正澳门六合彩开奖结果, you can click the control button on your keyboard and then you'll want to use the mouse to select the University of North Georgia.

So the percentages now are an average of Georgia College and State and the University of North Georgia.

So, these are just some interesting things you can do there with the slicer function and again the scrolling pages here at the bottom will allow you to navigate each and every page.

I want to thank you for watching part two of our interacting with Power BI dashboards.

Thank you.