
Session 3: True Colors Personality Assessment Video Transcript

[Mary Enriquez] Yeah, understanding of personality type is huge when it comes to being a leader. Many times we have this this persona of a leader has to be this way, it has to be vocal, it has to be anything, blah blah blah, all this stuff that we kind of fantasize being the leader because of movies or shows or books, whatever it is that we read or partaking. When in reality leadership has so many different facets and it has so many different ways that it can be achieved efficiently, but also perfectly, 'cause every bird every leader is going to be perfect in their own personal manner. So I'm, for example, different. The owner or the leader of this group isn't going to be the same as leader of this group. They may have similar beliefs and similar goals, but they may be led in different ways that are both successful and they're both efficient but there's just different ways of doing things. There's never one, only.

In life, there's not many situations where there's only one way to do something, so you're able to know that. You can be yourself and you can know that there's other people that may work better a certain way, and all that stuff that goes into leadership, because leadership is obviously all about people. So knowing yourself and knowing others is just as important as being able to communicate. For me specific, specifically, I think one of the things that I cherish most about myself when it comes to leadership is being able to understand others or kind of putting myself in their shoes. And I think this is part of just how I grew up, being diverse and being culturally different than a lot of people was kind of seeing how they are and seeing what they do. And respecting that and kind of understanding that that's that's how they are and it's it's nothing you can take away from them.

That is how they were raised and how they live their life. But never making them do something that makes them uncomfortable. So I cannot tell you how much I love personality quizzes. I love them not only because it allows you to like, look at myself and really put words to like what I know. But what I can't really like express like properly, you know like I'm an ENTP, so that's the debater personality. So when someone's talking to me and I hear like flaws in their argument, I hear them say something inconsistent. My first impulse is to be like that's wrong, but you can't always do that. But knowing that of myself allows me to when I want to do that, I'm like, OK, your designed this way because of certain things like in your you know how you were raised all this stuff, and your values. But maybe that other person is not designed that way.

So knowing more about yourself, your personality types, you know whether or not you are more focused on like, trust, honesty, what is important to you allows you to consider that when you're working with other people. I'll loop back to when I came in freshman year. Obviously, there's people that were mentors to me from both active duty military to other college students to people that were in the Corps and were not in the Corps or possibly were in the church, not the church. It just it came down to the fact that in order to lead, you have to be led. And as I'm being led as I was being brought up in developing the time management skills, the decision making skills, critical thinking, the problem solving I picked and pieced together a little bit of what I liked about each of 'em and the majority of that list would be things that I didn't like from the being led standpoint and so keeping that mental file when I am in that leadership position, or when I know that I will be responsible for something,

I know myself and I know how I can incorporate each of those things respectively, and either not do something or make an effort to do something, and so I think that's been huge as far as I can understand, a little bit more of what of what they're looking for out of me as a leader or what an employer would be looking for out of me as an employee when I'm taking that into consideration. So now that we've taken the True Colors personality inventory, let's look at your scoring. You might have one number that is higher than the other three. This would be the color that is going to describe your personality the most, or you'll have two that are the same or very very close and are higher than the other two. Let's take a look at each category. First, let's look at the blue category. Where are the Blues? the Blues are our hearts of our organization, they're enthusiastic, they're sympathetic, they're warm, compassionate, communicative. They're idealistic, they're sincere and peaceful. They're flexible and they're imaginative. They're the ones who care more about others and the things around them then they do them own selfs. They look for meaning and significance of life. They want to feel like they're contributing to something. They are encouraging. They value integrity and unity in relationships.

There are natural romantics, poets and nurtures. Now in a professional environment. They have a strong desire to influence others. They want to leave more significant lives. They want to find meaning to something. They often work in the arts, communication, education and helping professions more like doctors, often very much lawyers, veterinarians, anyone who is set on helping other people and putting other people ahead of themselves. So for their leadership style, they expect others to express themselves. They are very good communicators and they expect other people to do the same. They assume a family spirit in a work environment and they want to develop other people's potential. They expect other people to also try to develop their own potential as well. Think about a blue that might be in your life. If this doesn't necessarily describe you, more than likely you have someone in your life that is like this. This could be someone in your family, someone in your friend group, but there is always someone who is the easiest person to talk to.

That's usually the blue in the group. Now let's move on to Golds. Our Golds are loyal, dependable, they're very prepared. These are the folks who like things in list order or stepped order. They have a very strong sense of what is right and wrong. They're rule followers. They need to feel useful and need to feel like they belong. They are faithful, organized, stable. They're concerned with other people, but they're very concrete thinkers. So in a professional environment, they provide that stability. So while our Blues are our heart of the organization, our Golds are the bones. As the bones, they're able to handle, all of those details. They work diligently and they maintain that structure in an environment like a family or a company. So their leadership style is they expect people to be punctual. They expect people to do what they say they're going to do. They expect loyalty. They're very rules oriented. They have a detailed and thorough approach to things, and they expect people to play the roles that they are given. Oranges. Now our Blues are our hearts of organization.

Our Golds are bones of our organization and our Oranges are muscles. They are witty, charming, spontaneous, they're very impulsive, they're optimistic, bold, and eager. They're very immediate. They consider life a game. They try to make things fun and that's how they move through projects. So they need variety stimulation, excitement. They value skills, resourcefullness, and courage. They are natural troubleshooters and natural competitors. So in a professional environment they are going to be very bored and restless with jobs that are routine or too structured. They want to be given a task and let loose to complete that task on their own time. They're very satisfied in careers that allow independence and freedom, and they utilized physical coordination and they like to use tools and like to do things that are hands-on. They're natural performers and while they don't have to be the center of attention all the time, they certainly don't mind to be the center of attention. So their leadership style is quick. They expect things to happen right now. They work right in the here and now. They are performance orientated. They're very flexible approach.

They welcome change and they try to make the environment fun. So while our Blues are heart of organization and our golds are the bones and are oranges are the muscles, and our greens are the brains and that they are analytical, they're global, they are very conceptual thinkers. They're cool, calm and collected. They live by their own standards, by their own rules. They're very inventive and logical. They are perfectionists. They're very abstract thinkers, they're hypothetical. So in a professional environment, they are conceptual and independent. They want to be given a problem an let loose to solve it. They're the ones who might solve a math problem but not follow the steps correctly. They are drawn to constant challenge in careers, and they like to develop models, explore ideas, build systems, they like to perfect an idea and then move on to something else. So their leadership style is that they expect intelligence. They expect competence. They expect other people to also be seeking ways to improve things. That analytical nature encourages them to want to strive for improvement and they expect people to follow through with what they say they're going to do.

Now that we've examined four personality types, why is it important to understand your own personality? Well, it's important to know yourself. It's important to know where your values come from, what they are, and how you're going to use them to make decisions. It's important to know your leadership style. How best are you leading in student groups and at work or your family? And it's really important to know your followership style. Who best do you work with? Communication is based on the decisions that we make and understanding other people. So it's really important to understand how you communicate best. Knowing your own values and personality traits are important steps to increasing your self awareness, developing communication skills, and investigating what careerfield is right for you.