
Business Ethics Experience Video Transcript

Today's the simulation for high school programming. So we set up six scenarios within real live businesses to really emerge them into a business environment and challenge them to not only identify if there's an ethical dilemma but then ask them how they would handle it.

Not everybody acts ethically the same way so I think this gives them a great perspective on the real world and how ethics should be run in a business. They indicated they wanted to learn about how business works. Not how you run a business, but what it takes to be a business person. They have to actually prepare a response for a business community panel, to actually tell them what the dilemma was and how they would handle it as a team. Well I thought it was an incredible program. It's an incredible opportunity for these young people to meet together with business leaders, business owners and for young people to be able to interact and talk about ethical dilemmas.

I think one of the things that we're not taking the time to talk with kids about is ethics. We're so busy trying to get in the reading and the writing and the arithmetic we're not taking the time to talk to them about some of these soft skills that are so important. You are always presented with situations that may put you in an ethical dilemma and it's good for young people to know these situations do exist and they can be faced with them practically every single day. It's all about making the right decisions.

The education we offer boys and girls needs to be relevant. They need to be able to look at what they are doing between 8:00 and 3:30 in the afternoon and connect the dots with how does this fit in with what I want to do with the rest of my life. Today is a perfect example of that.

Our goal for Ethical Business Leadership was to actually give them experience on what that feels like when you find yourself with somebody or an employee or a friend that's stealing or a boss who is lying and actually make them feel that pressure so that when they get there in real life, they'll know what to do and be able to kind of fall back on this experience that they have.

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