
Mary Beth Houston

Psychology - ConnectAbility

How did you hear about your internship?

I work on campus as a Presidential Ambassador. My boss, Bird Brown, is a board member and helped connect me with ConnectAbility.

What has been the most valuable (or favorite) part of the experience?

So far, interning with ConnectAbility has been absolutely amazing! One of my most favorite parts is the connections I have made with everyone in the organization. ConnectAbility has also given me valuable exposure to a non-profit organization that works to make everyone in the community feel valued, empowered, and included.

How will this help you in the future?

My goal in life is to be able to help others. One of the ways I hope to do this is by advocating and helping everyone feel valued and included. ConnectAbility has a similar bottom line, so being able to see how they do this so well is invaluable experience to me. Through ConnectAbility I am also making lasting relationships and connections that may help me one day down the road.
