
Dressing for the Interview


Recommended Attire

  • Suit: Made of wool or wool blend for best appearance, clean and pressed.  Needs to be conservative in color and style (navy blue and grey are best).
  • Shirt: White or solid pastel with long sleeves.
  • Necktie: Conservative pattern with a color that is complementary to your suit.
  • Shoes: Black or brown leather, polished and in good repair.
  • Socks: At least mid-calf length.  Colors include dark grey, navy blue, brown or black and should be complementary to your suit.
  • Belt: Black or brown to complement your suit and shoes.


  • Jewelry: Watch and wedding band are acceptable.
  • Briefcase, attaché case, or folder: Needs to be presentable and in good condition.
  • Small appointment book:  A notebook is acceptable as well.  Don't forget a reliable pen.

Personal Appearance

  • Clean and well-groomed.
  • Moderate hair style, neatly cut and combed.
  • Preferably clean-shaven, but moustache is acceptable if neatly trimmed.  A beard may put you at a disadvantage; use your own judgment.
  • Fingernails need to be clean and neatly trimmed.


Recommended Attire

  • Suit: Conservatively styled (yet currently fashionable) in grey, black, or navy blue.  Dress with jacket or coordinated skirt, blouse, and jacket.  Blend of natural and synthetic fibers hold shape the best.  Make sure it is cleaned and pressed.  Hemline should be an appropriate length when seated or standing.
  • Blouse: White, pastel, or conservative print.
  • Hose, shoes, and pocketbook: Color-coordinate with your clothes.  Make sure to carry an extra pair of hose.
  • Shoes: Clean and in good repair.


  • Jewelry and scarves: Minimal and simple in style.  No jangling bracelets or long, dangling earrings.
  • Briefcase, attaché case, or folder: Needs to be presentable and in good condition.  Instead of both a pocketbook and a briefcase, carry personal items in the briefcase so it is less awkward.

Personal Appearance

  • Clean and well-groomed.
  • Hair should be neatly styled.
  • Cosmetics and perfume should be used with restraint.
  • Fingernails need to be clean and neatly trimmed.  If using nail polish, the color should be conservative and polish should not be chipped.

General guidelines and suggestions for both men and women:

  • Dress appropriately for the organization and position you are targeting.
  • Purchase the best wardrobe you can afford.  Don't skimp.
  • Try on your entire outfit at home several days before your interview.  Be sure it is comfortable and fits well.

You only have one chance to make a strong impression! It will all come together with good grooming, a confident self-image, and a positive mental attitude.

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