
3.7.2 Withdrawal from a Class

There is a short period at the beginning of each new semester during which students are permitted to drop and/or add classes with no penalties and are not required to obtain permission from the instructor. 

After the drop/add period, students will be able to withdraw from courses only via their Banner account.  Students with a HOLD on their registration process may withdraw from a course or courses by completing the Course Withdrawal Request form and submitting it to the Registrar’s Office in person, via FAX, or via U.S. Mail.

Limitations with regard to the official last day to drop a course with a grade of W apply in the online withdrawal process.

  • If the student processes the online withdrawal form before 12:00 Midnight on the last day to withdraw with a W, the student will receive a grade of W for the course.
  • If the student processes the online withdrawal form after 12:00 Midnight on the last day to withdraw with a W, the student will receive a grade of WF for the course.
  • If the student processes a paper withdrawal request in person, via FAX or U.S. Mail before 5:00 PM on the last day to withdraw with a W, the student will receive a grade of W for the course.
  • If the student processes a paper withdrawal request in person, via FAX, or U.S. Mail after 5:00 PM on the last day to withdraw with a W, the student will receive a grade of WF for the course.
  • It is possible for students who demonstrate a hardship or qualifying medical condition(s) to receive a grade of W should their withdrawal occur after the last day to withdraw with a W.

Instructors retain the ability to assign a grade of W or WF for excessive absences per the university’s attendance policy, assuming the student is withdrawn for excessive absences prior to the student processing the online withdrawal form.

Students may be reinstated into a class from which they have withdrawn by completing the Course Reinstatement Request form. The course reinstatement request requires the signature of the instructor of record for the course, department head and dean, or their designees. The course reinstatement request must be submitted to the Registrar’s office no later than 5:00 PM on the last day of classes for the term in which the course is being offered.

For the purpose of university records (Registrar’s office, Financial Aid office, Business office, etc.), the date the completed online or paper request is received in the Registrar’s office will be considered to be the last day of attendance in the class.

Approved 10-APR-2013

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